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Making Disciples Move

As you know CEM is all about starting new church-planting churches through recruiting and developing church planters, supporters and leaders. In both our new churches and existing ones, the ability to make more and better disciples is essential. Last month my family and I went on a missions trip to Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. The purpose of our adventure was to encourage a missionary family working with Team Expansion and to learn how they were making disciples and starting churches in a new field. Less than one percent of Tenerife consider themselves evangelical Christians. I have been reading about Disciple Making Movements and wanted to learn how these ideas were working in this post-Christian culture and learn some principles that would help CEM.

What I am learning could be summed up with the acrostic MOVE. The M stands for Multiplication Killers and answers the question, “what is my church doing that is stoping or hindering our people from making disciples?” The O represents Organize Around Your Priorities and Influencers. This answers the question, “are my church’s resources focused on what is working and those who are open to the work of making disciples?” The V represents Vision, Values and Target. The question this answers is, “who are the people God has put in our area to reach, and are we making the needed changes to reach them?” The E stands for Evaluate and asks the question, “how are we challenging our process for improvement?” These are the basic building blocks of the concept MOVE that I am adding to the leadership development program I do with churches.

I’ve had the privilege of helping our existing churches around our state with their leadership development by offering leadership training with the church and coaching their pastor. This month I will be working with 4 churches a week. It is a great way to turn around any plateau or decline your church might be facing. Feel free to contact me if you are interested: Call or text (515) 802-5127, Email

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March Church Visits

4th Adventure CC in Davenport IA

5th One Life Church in Plattsmouth NE

12th Woodland Hills COC in Pleasant Hill IA

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One plants... One waters... God makes it grow.

1 Corinthians 3:6-9

Growing churches today to bring generations alive in Christ tomorrow. 

Christian Evangelistic Mission

PO Box 1445

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